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Watch Folder Option

44 posts
Sat Apr 24, 21 7:32 PM CST
Hello! I have a photo booth event next weekend and I am trying to figure out how to upload photos in real time to a gallery on my website. I started researching the watch folder option and I kind of understand it but need more clarity. I understand how FTP works and how to upload images to my site using FTP but I manually move/drop the folder with images into the FTP window then process on my site. Darkroom (the photo booth software I am using) allows me to save the photos to a certain folder making it easier for me to upload at the end of the evening but I would like to do this in real time. Can anyone help shed some light on this for me??? Thanks!!

ETA I have search with Darkroom but they now offer the option "Event Gallery" that basically does exactly what I would like to do on my website but on their site and pay for the option.
Edited Sat Apr 24, 21 7:35 PM by Gloria Avina
32 posts
Sat Apr 24, 21 8:36 PM CST
Are you on a PC, or Mac? It sounds like what you need is either:
- an ftp program that automatically uploads new files added to a watched folder
- mount the ftp to a drive letter, so darkroom can save the files directly to the ftp
I've experimented with both of these methods on my Macbook, but have gotten major headaches from it. You may have better luck with Windows though. One problematic issue is that if you have Sytist doing the "watched folder" thing, then it deletes files and folders as it imports them, and if the ftp-sync method re-uploads the files, then you can end up with a lot of duplicate photos. Also when I've tried to automate it too much, if Internet access is slow, the photos can end up out of order on the site.

I've ended up doing it manually, keeping an FTP app open, and periodically uploading the new photos, then doing "Process" on Sytist (not "Watch"). This gives me far fewer problems.
44 posts
Sat Apr 24, 21 9:19 PM CST
I am on PC. I was playing around with the watch folder option and it worked great; I manually dropped the photos to see. I think my best bet would be the mount the ftp to a drive letter option. Just not sure just how to do that. If I can get that figured out, then I can address the other issues you discussed. Out of order photos is not a deal breaker for me but deleting or replacing photos would.
32 posts
Sat Apr 24, 21 9:27 PM CST
When I tried it on my Mac, I was having a lot of problems, and I realized it was because of the folders on the ftp server would be deleted when the folder was emptied, and this would cause the sync on the ftp program to stall out, because the folder no longer existed. This drove me mad, because it would work fine when I was testing the uploading, but then when I was actually doing an event, it would stop working. So when you're testing, make sure to test it with "watch folder" active on Sytist, and give time between uploads so you can see what happens when Sytist purges the folders.

Good luck!
28 posts
Thu Dec 29, 22 9:08 PM CST

Hey Gloria,

I'm also a photographer + boother using darkroom booth... The workaround for this is that you have to write a script (ask chatgpt :P) for your ftp program to move the local file from your watch folder to a different folder once it has uploaded, or it will keep uploading the file once sytist has moved/processed it...

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