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Alternatives To Amazon ? Wasabi

52 posts
Sun Mar 21, 21 12:00 PM CST
I've been looking into the Amazon S3 ooption and have started to go off the idea because of Amazon's ethical track record This has led me to research alternatives, there are a number of other S3 providers out there .
Wasabi looks great - far cheaper and designed to be 100% bit compatible with Amazon S3. This means any storage application that uses Amazon S3 can also use Wasabi without any code changes to the storage application.
Both Wasabi and Amazon S3 offer high durability: eleven 9s (99.999999999%). However, there are several important price and performance differences:
Price: Wasabi charges roughly 80% less than Amazon S3 for storage and has a much simpler pricing model. The only charges from Wasabi are storage (there are no additional charges for HTTP PUTs, GETs, DELETEs, etc. and with the Wasabi Unlimited Free Egress pricing plan, there is no charge for egress) Has anyone tried any of the alternatives to Amazon S3 ?
32 posts
Sun Mar 21, 21 12:09 PM CST
I'm interested in this as well. I'm not happy with Amazon for free speech issues as well.
324 posts
Mon Mar 22, 21 12:04 AM CST
This is interesting. I'd like to know more and will research it when time permits.
M Davis
16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Mar 22, 21 5:02 AM CST
Never heard of them but will note it.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
148 posts
Mon Mar 22, 21 6:51 PM CST
I would love that as well.
105 posts
Wed Mar 31, 21 2:19 AM CST
How about BackBlaze B2 - I use that at the moment and would love to see it added to Sytist in addition to the S3 option for keeping the Hi Rez Images off my dedicated host

19 posts
Tue Aug 29, 23 3:34 PM CST

Tim -

 have you given any consideration to adding Backblaze as an alternative to Amazon's backup service for image storage?

16,477 posts (admin)
Wed Aug 30, 23 8:31 AM CST

I have not looked into it yet.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
19 posts
Wed Aug 30, 23 8:50 AM CST

I've had other photographers recommend back blaze as a backup, more affordable than amazon, it would be really beneficial to be able to use it to store images, if that's something you could do

9 total messages
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