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Reports, Payments, Taxes - Issue

326 posts
Fri Feb 12, 21 10:00 AM CST
Getting everything prepared for taxes this year and I just ran a report and none of my numbers make any sense. Going back, it looks like every payment I've added was deleted by the latest entry and not logged.

For example. If a client comes to me and makes three payments over the course of 18 months preparing for her wedding and I input Payment one on 1/23/2019, and payment two on 5/20/2019 and the last payment the day of the wedding 6/11/2020 (which is a very common practice) the only payment that pulls on the reports is 6/11/2020, so no I have a ton of missing payments and have no way of tracking them. Yes, I can pull the "Order total", , but this also doesn't work, because I have deposits being made for 2021 and I obviously don't. want the whole total to be added when I only received a partial payment.

Luckily I kept manually notes, with dates and source of payment, but now I'm going to have to go through my entire 2020 and manually calculate every payment. This is beyond frustrating that you can't log multiple payments. Just one wedding I was off roughy $1,500. I did roughly 21 weddings last year. So I'm sure you can understand.

We spoke a couple years back and you said you were going to look into this, at least to my knowledge this has not be completed yet. Can I PERSONALLY hire you to complete this task for me? I can't be the only one having this issue and find this cumbersome. For reference my 2020 report pulls $35,988.80 and the actual number should be $56,456.50, that's how far off it is.

I'm sorry for the "bickering" post. I've loved this system from day one and I've been using it since 2014 and RAVE about it to others and even had a couple purchase based on my recommendation, so don't think I'm not grateful, it's just frustrating since this is my largest year to date with a ton of expenses, now my sales don't match up and the last thing I want is to get audited, etc.
16,278 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 15, 21 7:08 AM CST
You can use the scheduled payment option for multiple payments. You don't have to use it as intended, but if you receive a payment you can add a schedule payment and then add the payment to that scheduled payment.

Sorry you can add multiple payments the way you want.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
326 posts
Mon Feb 15, 21 8:16 AM CST
I'm unable to figure out the scheduled payments. I looked in the Manual and it says to "View their account, click create invoice, blah blah". What about all my clients that have invoices already and continue to book and invoices are created automatically. How do you apply a schedule payment to past invoices and invoices you don't create from their account page???
16,278 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 15, 21 9:47 AM CST
This is for invoices you create. Once you have created the invoice there is a payment schedule tab. You enter them there. Then you can manually apply the payment to the left where I have highlighted and it shows the scheduled payments.
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Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
326 posts
Mon Feb 15, 21 9:53 AM CST
Is there a difference between an order and an invoice? I don't see that option when I go into my orders.
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16,278 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 15, 21 10:05 AM CST
Yes, an invoice is one you create for the customer from the admin (View Account -> Create Invoice).

Orders don't have the payment schedule option.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
326 posts
Mon Feb 15, 21 10:24 AM CST
Okay, that's starting to make more sense.

So now in a real world scenario, when someone uses my bookings online and hires me, and order is auto generated, I then just create an invoice for that order and that will give me the payment options.
326 posts
Mon Feb 15, 21 10:34 AM CST
Well that doesn't "work". It creates two "orders". The new order does give me the payment options, but now my first order is irrelevant which was their original booking. I'm so confused how these work together. If I create an invoice under their account, shouldn't it go in my order?
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Edited Mon Feb 15, 21 10:36 AM by Sean Scarmack
16,278 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 15, 21 10:55 AM CST
You could make the booking service where it doesn't require a deposit so it doesn't create an order (looks like you have it set to require a deposit but using a pay offline option).

Then you can create an invoice for the customer.

When you create invoices you have the option to set the payment schedule.

And yes, you will probably have to create them an account doing this way.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
326 posts
Mon Feb 15, 21 11:08 AM CST
I just tested it the way you suggested, turning off the deposit, then confirming the booking, creating an invoice, that will work. And I can then just put in two payments to start with in the scheduler (Deposit, and final amount), and then if they make more payments I can always adjust those later?
Edited Mon Feb 15, 21 11:14 AM by Sean Scarmack
326 posts
Mon Feb 15, 21 1:27 PM CST
Okay I got it! Definitely worked much better, just need to recreate all "orders" into "invoices". Last question. How can I carry over the Wedding date that the "orders" were able to but the "invoice" is not. See photos.
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494 posts
Mon Feb 15, 21 6:34 PM CST
Tim, to solve Sean's original issue could you get Sytist to link in to the Quickbooks API?

I've mentioned before that my Square API only reads 'custom amount' and 'no description' from Sytist, despite Square being capable of that sort of thing; so somehow it isn't linking properly. A link to accounting software could help with both my problem and Sean's, and make tax preparations much easier for everyone.
Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
16,278 posts (admin)
Tue Feb 16, 21 6:02 AM CST
I would just put the wedding date in the item name. Wedding Photo + Video March 14, 2020.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
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