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Lots Of Questions!

97 posts
Fri Feb 05, 21 2:54 AM CST
Apologies if these are easy to answer, but I am not having any luck finding the answers!

1) When a client signs up for an account - can we ask them to specify if they are a student or a parent or other options? I see something to this effect in the schools demo gallery.

2)Is there an option to have a gallery display thumbnails in a tighter grid format, aka contact sheet style? Again we have loads of images and I don't want it to take days to scroll through them if there is lots of empty white space - I get that for smaller galleries this is nice look - but not practical for us.

3) Can the gallery name be displayed on the invoice?

4) Some of our events might have 25-30 sub galleries. I see how sub galleries were displayed as links across the top in a wedding demo page, but how would large numbers of galleries be handled? And can you have a custom thumbnail to represent the gallery rather than text?

5) I know that in PhotoCart, you could display the members of a specific gallery - but can not see this in Sytist. I need to be able to export all the members of a specific gallery and include all their details - can I do that?

6) I see that download orders are available as a link in on screen as soon as the payment is made and - I am presuming - in the order confirmation email that the client receives. What about later down the track, they have lost the images and the email - can they log back in - is there a client account area that I have missed that holds their order info?

7) Can I set an option to only charge postage after a set date and charge a late fee after a set date?

Thanks, I know that is a lot of questions - hopefully they are simple to answer and I Am jus bad at looking finding the answers myself.
Edited Fri Feb 05, 21 2:59 AM by Craig Stewart
16,271 posts (admin)
Fri Feb 05, 21 7:13 AM CST
1) No.

2) You can adjust the size and spacing of the thumbnails.

3) The photos show what gallery / sub gallery the photos are from on the order.

4) That is gallery exclusive when you see the sub galleries at the top. You won't want to use that option. You can upload a separate cover / preview photo for the gallery.

5) View the gallery in the admin and click the People tab to send out gallery invites and export people with access to the gallery.

6) They can order from the order at anytime as long as the photos still exists in the system. There is also an option in Settings -> Photo Settings to not delete purchased photos.

7) You can have the shipping group change to a different one after a certain date.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
97 posts
Mon Feb 08, 21 2:16 AM CST
Hi Tim,

Thanks for all your responses, if you could just clarify a couple points.

4) Some of our events might have 25-30 sub galleries. I see how sub galleries were displayed as links across the top in a wedding demo page, but how would large numbers of galleries be handled? And can you have a custom thumbnail to represent the gallery rather than text?

4) That is gallery exclusive when you see the sub galleries at the top. You won't want to use that option. You can upload a separate cover / preview photo for the gallery.

I think that I may have worded this poorly, what I want to know is

4A) how are multiple sub galleries displayed, particularly if there are lots of them - more than you would have shown in your demo galleries.

4B) Can those sub galleries be identified by an icon rather than text, such as is shown here

6) I see that download orders are available as a link in on screen as soon as the payment is made and - I am presuming - in the order confirmation email that the client receives. What about later down the track, they have lost the images and the email - can they log back in - is there a client account area that I have missed that holds their order info?

6) They can order from the order at anytime as long as the photos still exists in the system. There is also an option in Settings -> Photo Settings to not delete purchased photos.

What I meant here Is can a client re-downlaod an digital order either by

1) Logging in to their account - is there such a thing?
2) Do they receive an email with a download link and, if so, does that link stay active?



16,271 posts (admin)
Mon Feb 08, 21 7:27 AM CST
4 A B: Sub galleries pretty much display just like galleries like here:

6) The log in and view their order to download the photos anytime.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Orders
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