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Admin Access - Can't See Pages

142 posts
Mon Jan 04, 21 10:33 PM CST
I think I found a bug in that customers can look at the category webpage (one up from their gallery page) and see all other customers galleries, although they can't enter them without a password.

This is obviously bad news, and I'm pretty sure it shouldn't happen, but after looking around on the support forum I found that if you just leave the page as draft they don't come up but with direct links and the gallery owner can still access them. It's a bit of a pain, but I can live with it. (I tested this logged in as a user, not admin).

However, I just uploaded my first client gallery using sytist and after uploading the images I wanted to see what it looks like. So as the admin from my admin panel I click to view the webpage and I'm told I need to login. I played around a little and I also find I can't even view the page designer.

This all happened after I assigned the gallery owner to the client.

It would be great to understand what I'm doing wrong on the first part so I can use published pages, but surely, logged in as admin I should be able to see the page and page editor?


16,595 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 05, 21 5:52 AM CST
Select this option under password protect.
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Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
142 posts
Tue Jan 05, 21 9:44 AM CST
Oh that's great for the gallery listing under category.

What are your thoughts on the Admin not being able to access the page and being asked to login?

I've attached screenshots.

Attached Photos

16,595 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 05, 21 10:00 AM CST
When you have it required that a customer has to be logged into their account to view the galleries then even you as the admin still have to log into a customer account. That is by design. Create yourself a customer account if you have not.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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