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Print Credit?

106 posts
Mon Jul 13, 20 6:06 PM CST
Hello Tim

I found "print credit" in the manual but I can't get my head around how this works.

This is what I need to do...

We have a minimum charge of 20.00 dollars. My client has two images he needs scanned at the cost of that is 5.98 leaving him with 14.02 remaining to reach the 20.00 minimum charge so I want to be able to give him a credit of 14.02 for him to use for ordering images as prints from his gallery.

So...I finish his scanning job and I send him out a paid access gallery of his two images. That access is set to 20.00 dollars to cover his minimum charge. Once paid, he has 14.02 credit with our company.

With a "collection" it appears that I need to specifically choose what he gets for his 14.02 but I want him to be able to order what ever he likes from the price list that we have made for his gallery.

Ultimately what I'd like to be able to do is have him pay 20.00 to get into his gallery and then to give him a coupon worth 14.02 to order whatever he likes from his gallery. Is there a way to create a coupon or do I need to make a specific collection of items that he must take for his 14.02?

Sorry...I'm just not understanding this. How do I give a customer credit that they can use as they wish in their gallery?

Thank you
16,278 posts (admin)
Tue Jul 14, 20 6:26 AM CST
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
106 posts
Tue Jul 14, 20 12:57 PM CST
In the end we've just dropped our minimum charge. What you suggest would for the most part work but that credit would need to be added after we've seen that they have paid the 20.00 minimum but what if they order a print before we notice that we need to apply the credit to their account? Alternately, if we apply it immediately making the paid access gallery, the results are no different than simply having charged the lower price because the credit is only to go towards prints once they are in the gallery. Anyway, not all that big of deal but it would be nice if there were a way to create a coupon that could be included with gallery access to order prints from the gallery on a pick and choose basis vs a pre defined package.

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Category: Coupons
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