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Packages For Sale But With Limited Stock Of Items

113 posts
Thu Apr 30, 20 2:25 PM CST
Hi, I'm having some difficulty understanding how to sell some products in the way I want.

Currently I have a 'Galleries' section with sub sections for weddings, events, families etc. And I have a 'Shop' section for frames, canvases albums etc.

My intention was to create a gallery in the shop section where people could look at greetings cards I am selling and select 5, 10, 15 or 20 greetings cards to be sold as packages. They would be able to have 5, 10, 15 etc totally different cards if they wish, not restricted to them all being of the same design.

Importantly though, I have a limited number of cards (eg 3 of landscape A, 2 of landscape B, and 9 of Landscape C). I want to make sure that only the quantity of cards I have in stock can appear for sale, and adjust accordingly as they are gradually sold.

It looked like I couldn't set up a gallery in my shop section and sell them that way, as I need to sell the cards as a package. So I next thought I would have to create a Greetings cards sub section in the 'Shop' section (with options of 5, 10, 15 or 20 cards packages) and then people would select images in a gallery of products I could put in the 'Galleries' section.

I'm having problems though, as in the gallery I want the greetings cards to use the inventory feature, but I don't think that is available to me when it is a gallery. It seems I can do one or two things, but not all the things at once.

I'm sure it is possible what I want to do, but I can't quite understand how to take all the right steps to make it work.

Please could you explain what I need to do to be able to do the above.

Many thanks
Edited Thu Apr 30, 20 2:28 PM by Ross Alexander
16,285 posts (admin)
Sun May 03, 20 9:35 AM CST
This doesn't sound like something Sytist can do.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
113 posts
Sun May 03, 20 9:37 AM CST
Ok, well at least it isn't me being thick. I'll have to think of how best to do something similar.
113 posts
Sun May 03, 20 12:02 PM CST
Ok I've just been looking at this again. I thought rather than sell packs of 5, 10, 15 etc where the customer could choose which cards they wanted to make up those numbers, I would simply sell the cards individually and have an inventory applied to help me keep track.

The problem I am now finding however, is that as the cards are listed as individual 'products' in the 'Greetings Cards' section (and not an image gallery), I cannot apply a minimum order amount like I could with a price list. I mean I can for an individual card, but I want the minimum order amount to work so that the customer is not forced to by a minimum of the same card.

I really don't want to give people the option to buy just 2 cards at once for example as that would be more work than it is worth sending out tiny orders. I want to make sure people can buy a minimum of 5 (different cards) at a time, but there doesn't seem to be a minimum order option to use when I have a section of different products.

So if I use a gallery, I don't have an inventory, but can apply a minimum order value using a custom price list. If I have the cards listed as separate products, I get the inventory, but no minimum order value option for purchases of differing products. At least that is the way it looks.

Is there a way to have a minimum order value option for multiple products whilst maintaining the option of an inventory somehow?

Many thanks.
Edited Tue May 05, 20 6:19 AM by Ross Alexander
16,285 posts (admin)
Mon May 04, 20 10:47 AM CST
The only way to set a minimum order is to set a global minimum order total in Settings -> Checkout & Payment.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
113 posts
Tue May 05, 20 6:15 AM CST
In the end whilst waiting for your reply, I just made a category within the Shop section for greetings cards, listed all the cards as individual products, and like you say just have a global minimum order value.

Not ideal for what I originally wanted, but at least I have the inventory part. I still think Sytist is pretty awesome for what you can do with it!

Thanks for getting back to me.
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