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How To Show

53 posts
Sat Sep 28, 19 2:40 PM CST
I see your demo has a "Collections" button to show/sell different wall designer doesnt show a "Collections" button. I do have a few Collections created in the price list but how do I show those in Wall Designer?

OK, watched your tutorial and think I have to create the new collections first (different collection than I already created in the price list). The only problem is the size prints for the frames I have created are the standard 16x20, 20x24, 24x30, etc.. and for these new collections I would need to create 20 new weird sizes (10x10, 10x15, 10x31, etc) and they would show up in the main list for the framed prints too (I think) so I better create these new collections separately in the main product base collections.
Edited Sat Sep 28, 19 3:14 PM by Paul Alford
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Category: Wall Designer
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