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Volume Photography (pre-order Question)

138 posts
Thu Aug 01, 19 4:32 PM CST
I have a $25 minimum order per child. I would like for the parent to preorder one child's photos and then go back to their account to preorder a sibling's photos. Is this possible? When I tried it out, the preorder from the first child was preventing me to add a preorder for the sibling. The system wants me to select photos for the first child before checking out (even though there are no photos in the gallery yet since it is a preorder). I hope this makes sense!!
16,595 posts (admin)
Fri Aug 02, 19 11:03 AM CST
When someone pre-orders a package ... AND you have it set so they are coming back to select photos for their pre-ordered products (Settings in the price list), it basically adds it to their cart when the complete the order. So when they come back to select photos, it is already in their cart.

So in this case, if they place an order, then order again, it is going to already have the contents of their first order in their cart. There isn't a work around unless they are not coming back to select the photos to their package then you can update the settings in your price list.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
138 posts
Tue Aug 06, 19 11:49 AM CST
Thanks Tim!! If I select customers are not coming back to select their photos, do they still have the ability to select their photos at a later time? Ideally, I would like a customer to place a separate preorder per child (with a $25 minimum) and then go back and select photos once all the pictures are uploaded after picture day.
16,595 posts (admin)
Tue Aug 06, 19 12:56 PM CST
If you select customers are not coming back to select their photos, then they won't have the option to select the photos they pre-ordered.

If the parent places a completely different pre-order, you are going to have the problem with them not being able to checkout because of the pre-order they just previously made. They would need to purchase for both children at the same time on the same order.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
138 posts
Tue Aug 06, 19 1:00 PM CST
Okay, thanks!
138 posts
Tue Aug 06, 19 1:23 PM CST
One more quick question. If I have a parent who wants to preorder basketball pictures for one child and then the next week they want to preorder soccer picture for a different child in a different gallery, is this possible? Do parents have to checkout from one preorder before they can preorder from a different gallery? Thanks for your help!!
16,595 posts (admin)
Wed Aug 07, 19 5:55 AM CST
If they purchased a pre-order, those products will stay in their cart until they have selected photos for it. So if the photos have not been published, they will have a problem checking out with another pre-order.

In this situation, you could (if you know someone if going to purchase another pre-order) is view their account and delete their cart from the admin. Then issue them a print credit for the products that was pre-ordered.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
297 posts
Wed Aug 07, 19 10:39 AM CST
Just a thought, but it might be easier to make them be signed in to view or purchase and then sell them a print credit to begin with. When you upload the photos, you'd be able to send a mass email to everyone that purchased a print credit from the gallery to let them know their photos are ready.
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Category: Orders
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