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Gift Card Automatically Applied, But Never Redeemed?

3 posts
Fri May 17, 19 3:30 PM CST
An interesting thing happened to my customer's order. They had a $100 egift card which I gave them as a gift last year, which I had sent via her email, but she had not at the time created an account. I added a redemption code to the card as well so I knew when she'd use it. She came to me for another shoot and ordered today, and I had actually forgotten about the gift card altogether.

Today, she created her account and placed her order, and I saw that there was $100 missing from the payment when she had told me she was going to pay in full. I then remembered about the egift card, but saw on my records that it was still to be redeemed and no notification on the order itself showed that it was applied. I spoke with her and she said it automatically applied it to her order total without asking for a redemption code.

Is there a setting I need to change so that my customers can choose when to use their gift cards instead of having it automatically applied? Is there a bug or something that keeps this info off of my order records, and/or also doesn't automatically redeem the gift card listed on the system?


16,290 posts (admin)
Sun May 19, 19 6:33 AM CST
A gift card would not automatically apply to an order. They would have to redeem the code. Sounds like it was an account credit. Does it show a discount on the order? And if so, what does it say for the discount?
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
3 posts
Sun May 19, 19 8:15 AM CST
That's what makes this so mysterious. I never gave them a credit, and there's no record of one in her account which, as I said, was created immediately before placing her order a few days ago. I had sent her the egift card to the email she used to create said account back in October or November, I believe. No credit has ever been indicated on her account, and I wouldn't have had time to add one between her making it and placing this weird order.

As I also stated above, there is NO indication of what kind of discount had been applied to this order. It says it's paid in full, despite being $100 less the subtotal. PayPal reports it as paid in full, so I know it's not a partial payment. I called the customer and she said the lower amount is what it showed to her as the final amount after automatically applying the gift card. I also looked at her account from her end, and the order as I see it doesn't say how the $100 was lost.

So yes, I get what you're saying, and that's why I am just as confused because it really looks like a bug. The gift card is still in my system, just in case while I get this cleared up.
16,290 posts (admin)
Sun May 19, 19 10:32 AM CST
Email me a screenshot of the complete order or email me the link to your Sytist admin with the username, password and order number so I can see the totals.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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Category: Orders
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