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Square Payments : Unable To Relate Transaction Id To The Receipt #

27 posts
Fri Nov 30, 18 12:56 PM CST

I struggle to relate the Sytist order to the Square transaction.
In Sytist is shows "Transaction ID", this does not show in Square Admin which only got Receipt# (4 letters).
How can we link the two?

When sending automated order email, can we add the in the email template the method of payment and the square's transaction/receipt ?

When the API sends the payment to Square gateway, can you add details at least include the Sytist Order # - There is nothing in Square dashbord that we can relate to, except the timestamp.
16,897 posts (admin)
Mon Dec 03, 18 4:46 AM CST
The Square transaction ID you see with the order is the one generated by Square. So you should be able to search within your Square account for that transactions since it was generated by Square.

When sending automated order email, can we add the in the email template the method of payment and the square's transaction/receipt ?

There is currently not an option for that.

When the API sends the payment to Square gateway, can you add details at least include the Sytist Order # - There is nothing in Square dashbord that we can relate to, except the timestamp.

The order isn't created until the payment is made so there is no order # to send at the time of payment. I am not sure of other information can be passed but I will make a note to look into it.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
4 posts
Wed Sep 11, 24 8:19 AM CST

Thanks Tim for looking into this, we have the same request here.
Examples of information that can be passed to Square are customer name, email, product name and description.
The customer name and/or email should be great and enough for us so we can relate an order on Square dashboard. This feature is highly needed.
Thanks again!!

535 posts
Thu Sep 12, 24 2:49 PM CST

Following.  Yes please, more "talking" between Sytist and the Square API would be amazing.

Michael Leenheer   || My Sytist:
4 total messages
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Category: Payment Options
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