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Discount Pricing On A Product Within Various Sub-galleries

12 posts
Tue May 15, 18 2:29 AM CST
I have created a "High resolution disk" product in my price list.

My plan is that the client can chose what photos they want to burn onto this disk. (i.e. if they have more than one child, they can select all of their children’s individual photo, and then their class photos etc, and be charged a total of X. I have worked out how to do the discount so that if you order 1-10 photos the price will always total to X. However, I see that if you select a photo from a different gallery, then you get charged the full amount again. So, if you order 3 photos from the individual sub gallery, your total is X, then you add a class photo from the class photo sub-gallery, you get charged X again, so your total is double.

Is there a way where this discount could apply to all images, where this product is selected, in the clients shopping cart, no matter how many galleries they choose photos from?
16,278 posts (admin)
Tue May 15, 18 10:58 AM CST
How did you set this up? A collection? Or quantity discounts?

And do the sub galleries have the same price list?
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
12 posts
Tue May 22, 18 8:45 AM CST
Hi Tim
It's setup as quantity discount and each sub gallery has different price list.

We do schools and have various galleries that represent different years, if parents wish to order a disk of their child's school career then we don't want to charge full price per pic selected out of different galleries.
collection wont work as it's out of different galleries, and it's not all images in gallery
we do offer quantity discount but it isn't pulling from each gallery it only applies discount to current gallery ( i.e. multi pose discount)

While we at it is there a way to remove the "Pay Now" button from pending order page after we have placed a EFT based order? please see attachment
16,278 posts (admin)
Wed May 23, 18 4:20 AM CST
The quantity discounts are set in the price lists. So if they galleries or sub galleries have different price lists then there won't be a way for the quantity discounts to apply to the sub galleries with different price lists.

To remove the pay now button click Settings in the main menu.

Underneath the left menu click edit config file.

Add this line of code before the closing PHP tag ?> and save.

$setup['do_not_show_pay_now_button_for_pay_offline_orders'] = true; // Do not show pay now button on orders placed with pay offline payment option, which also means they can't pay later with credit card if they change their mind.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
12 posts
Wed May 23, 18 8:17 AM CST
Hi Tim
The price lists are the same for the galleries, but if client orders a picture from 2 different galleries with the same price list the quantity discount doesn't apply either.
Is there a way for them to save favorite's or collection from various gallery / sub galleries and then apply a single product purchase to that collection?

Also I applied the code but it didn't remove the button please see attached if I added code correctly
16,278 posts (admin)
Wed May 23, 18 12:06 PM CST
The quantity discounts do apply across galleries as long as the galleries have the same price list. I just tested it out just to make sure and can confirm it does.

If it isn't for you, you can email me links to a couple of galleries with the same price lists and passwords needed so I can see.

I am not seeing anything attached.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
12 posts
Fri May 25, 18 2:16 AM CST
HI Tim

Thanks for getting back to us.

We sorted out the Pay now button, thanks, it has gone.

Discounts: I understand what you are saying about the quantity discount, and have just run a test where the sub galleries have the same price list and see that the discount applies for those galleries, so thanks for that.

So the next question is. Is there a way where a parent could create a "favorites" album, and then purchase all, and if she selects the "disk product", it could apply the discount?
The problem for us, is that we offer different printed products each year to keep a variation, and because some of our products are in fixed templates that can't be printed different sizes, we have to have different price lists. i.e the class photo is 6x8" and cannot be printed 8x12, because the ratio is different, so we don't want to offer 8x12 as an option.

16,278 posts (admin)
Sun May 27, 18 4:44 AM CST
If all the favorites are from galleries with the same price list, then they can order from their favorites and get the quantity discounts. If favorites are from galleries with different price lists then they can't.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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