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Automatic Ftp Upload

70 posts
Tue Apr 12, 16 4:04 AM CST
I've been through the FTP upload option, works fine.
Is there a way to create an automated upload on the move?
During events, I would like to upload my images directly into a folder via FTP, visible for my customers right away, with download and payment options.
To do this, I have a software checking if there is new images in a folder, if yes, it will sent them via FTP to my gallery on the web.
I would like to have the option to automatically send the images in the specified gallery.
Now it seems that I have to manipulate a refresh button of my gallery, click on upload photos, click on ftp process and only then have them on my gallery, things I do not want to do while I'm taking pictures during the event.
A checkbox button to allow the process for a specific folder name to send the images directly to a specified link - folder would be great!

Cheers Lionel.
16,477 posts (admin)
Tue Apr 12, 16 7:37 AM CST
There is not an automated way to do that.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
70 posts
Mon May 16, 16 7:21 PM CST
Now a days, people wants every thing right away. Tomorrow is another day.

During an event, doing and sending selfies of the present moment is very important.

As photographer we usually do better image quality, giving my customer the possibility to share my images right away is important. (What I already do with my PhotoBooth)
When an FTP upload is set, it would upload only to a specific page. Having a check box with an automated process option every minute or so (flexible in seconds would be better) could do the trick.
This way customers going onto the specified event page would be able to download and share their image...

With your great skills Tim, it would be perfect to have this option in a near future :)
Sure it would give many ideas to other photographers!
Edited Sat Apr 07, 18 6:30 AM by Lionel unartvisuel
33 posts
Tue Feb 13, 18 6:50 AM CST
Lionel - have you found a way to accomplish this?

I just realized that the process was manual with FTP. Is there a solution to automate the FTP upload/ gallery availability? . . . or do we still have to click on the process button?

If you don't mind me asking what software / gallery do you use for your photo booth?
We Are Forevertizers!
70 posts
Thu Apr 05, 18 1:11 PM CST
Hi John,

Late reply, sorry.

Software for the photobooth is partially "self made" a specific request to a very smart friend that did it. It watermarks photos and resize them, so useful.

From version 2.8, this weeks release, it is now possible to "Watch" a folder and it will process it on the page via FTP, testing it live tomorrow.
70 posts
Sat Apr 07, 18 6:28 AM CST
Tested. Great work! Thanks Tim.
I did manage to make it work out on site during the whole event.
From the photobooth, I uploaded automatically images with ftp programm to the sy-upload folders (2)
From there, in sub galleries, I added two "Watch" functions for two different folders, it did work great.
The ftp programm once had a bug, and reloaded all images, they ended up twice in the sub gallery. Cant find out if in this option there is a way to avoid duplicated file names?
16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Apr 09, 18 9:44 AM CST
Before clicking the watch link for the process, check the option to discard duplicate file names and that should take care of it.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
28 posts
Mon Jan 20, 20 5:22 PM CST
Hey Tim,

Does this reject a file being uploaded twice (or more), or does it just delete it once it gets there?


16,477 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 21, 20 5:48 AM CST
It gets deleted after being uploaded (during the processing) if it is a duplicate file.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
28 posts
Sat Jul 01, 23 10:36 PM CST
Tim - wrote:
It gets deleted after being uploaded (during the processing) if it is a duplicate file.

Hi Tim,

Is there any way of updating this process so files that are already uploaded can be rejected prior to being uploaded a 2nd/3rd+ time? The issue would be as new files join the queue (in a local watch folder) every file would be uploaded many times.



16,477 posts (admin)
Mon Jul 03, 23 4:07 AM CST

There is no way for Sytist to reject a file before it is uploaded.

Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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