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Collecting Deposit For Services (photo Sessions) Instead Of Charging Full Price.

28 posts
Tue Sep 15, 15 1:50 PM CST
I have a number of "services" in the form of photography session packages that I would like to sell. However asking for ie. $1,495.00 up-front before any services are rendered can be a little much, and obviously risky in the eyes of the customer. (what if they change their mind and want to cancel? etc.)

Here is an example of packages I offer for Boudoir sessions:

My question is:

Is there a way that someone can "book" a session costing $1,495.00 (or any amount for that matter) but instead of paying the full amount they pay the deposit fee (ie. $100.00) to reserve their spot. Right now if I made all sessions cost $100 (for deposit) it would be confusing and the price wouldn't be the real price shown on the package list.

Currently my flow is this (which I want to automate as much as possible using the Sytist software):

1 --- Customer is interested in booking a session so they get in touch and ask us for pricing info.
2 --- We email them our pricing for Boudoir photography services (5 different packages).
3 --- Customer is interested in a specific package, they get in touch and let us know which one.
4 --- We email them a deposit email that lets them know how to make a deposit. (etransfer, paypal, etc)
5 --- Customer makes a deposit ($100).
6 --- We verify deposit is paid and send them a preparation email with all session details (booking time, what to bring, etc).
7 --- Customer receives the prep email with the details.
8 --- Customer pays remainder via etransfer, paypal or in cash during the session.
9 --- After session completion we deliver the photos (proofs) to the customer and they pick and choose which photos they would like edited, etc.
10 --- Customer gets back to us with the images they want edited.
11 --- We edit the photos over the next few weeks and send them off once completed thus concluding our transaction.

What I would like the flow to be:

1 --- Customer browses our Boudoir packages on the website and selects one they like by pressing the "book" button.
2 --- Instead of the full amount (ie. $1,495.00) a deposit of $100 dollars is the only thing the customer has to pay at this point in time.
3 --- Customer follows the payment process and completes the deposit which also creates an account (if they don't already have one).
4 --- We receive the order and process it by selecting and sending them a preparation email (default pre-generated email) and an invoice for the remainder amount to be paid 24 hours before the session. Not paying this will result in the loss of deposit and cancellation of their appointment by marking their order as complete).
5 --- We do the session with the customer at the specified date/time.
6 --- Once we process the photos, we create a gallery specifically assigned to the customer with proper package pricing and proofs for selection.
7 --- Customer logs into their account, goes to their private gallery and chooses the images they would like to purchase. Because the packages we offer come with digital purchase credits they are able to select raw images (unedited - instant download) or a full session download or additional editing services on top of each image if they like.
8 --- We receive the order displaying the images that the customer wants edited, as well as other physical products / services.
9 --- We take 2-3 weeks to complete the order and then update their order/private gallery as well as ship any physical products. Once this is done, we complete the order and our transaction is concluded.

The goal is to automate as much of the manual process as possible. Currently I'm not sure how to structure the flow to allow our customers to pay a deposit instead of the full price which for most people is just way too much / too risky, etc. If there is a way to charge a deposit and then collect the rest by issuing an invoice via an automated pre-generated email it would be a godsend for those of us who do a lot of session type services instead of just selling images within galleries.

Please help! Would really like to get this setup the right way. Thanks a ton for reading this wall of text, and hoping for a positive reply :)
16,270 posts (admin)
Wed Sep 16, 15 7:36 AM CST
Currently there is not a way to have a product one price, but pay a different amount like you are describing (but is something on my to-do list).

What you would have to do is generate them an invoice from the admin and send it to them.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
411 posts
Wed Sep 16, 15 6:18 PM CST
We sell the session retainer online with sytist and the difference is paid at the time of the session either in person or by an invoice, like Tim stated.
Tim Foster
82 posts
Fri Dec 06, 19 5:55 PM CST
Is this something that will be done soon? I'd like to take a down payment for event services (which are often times $1500+)
16,270 posts (admin)
Sat Dec 07, 19 10:12 AM CST
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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