If your Photo Cart is suddenly getting a 500 error or only displaying a blank page then you or your hosting company has updated the PHP (programming language) to PHP 7 which Photo Cart is not compatible with (and will not be compatible with) mainly because of the removal of the my_sql functions which are replaced with my_sqli functions.
You would need to have the PHP version downgraded to 5.6 in order for Photo Cart to work. If downgrading the PHP doesn't work then you may have to update Photo Cart to the last version of 7. Download Photo Cart 7 upgrade files. Upgrade instructions.
Photo Cart was retired in 2015. Check out Sytist.
Editing Default Emails.
When I go to do this however, the body of the default email shows no content at all.
How can this be? How can I change the emails?
I seem to be able to edit all the other default emails, it is just these two - does it have something to do with changing our payment method?
My Email Address:
No, there is nothing in the HTML area either. If I send a test email from there, it sends ok, but just has this:
This is a test email for
This will give you an idea of how the emails will look. This is the area where the email content is placed.
I suppose I will just have to re write the content that I want and try that - just curious as to why only those two emails have lost their content when all the others that I have modified have not. It does seem to have coincided with moving to the payment gateway, up until now we have just collected credit card numbers and processed them manually.
You can get the default content of those emails from the demo here:
My Email Address:
Thanks, I will just re write them.
On another issue - since I have implemented the new payment gateway, when I get the Payment received email, the subject line now looks like this
Payment Received () for Order # 20782 Bliss Studio
Where it used to show the amount of the sale in the (). It does still show the amount in the New Order Placed Email though. Just curious why it has changed.
It seems now that some clients are receiving 3 payment received emails. This has only started happening since we have started using eWay. If I look at the "emails sent" tab under "more" in a clients account, I can see that indeed photo cart has sent it three times.
Any idea what is causing this?
People are freaking out because they think they have been charged 3 times, but this is not the case - the backend of the eWay show only one transaction.
Can the replaced value for [PAYMENT_AMOUNT] really be correct?
As I mentioned above, the emails that we get that used to have the order amount in the subject line now only say () where the amount is meant to be.
After confirming the payment on eWay, I got this error message
Message sent!Message sent!
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/craigstew/ in /home/craigstew/ on line 103
I have been speaking with eWay, and they said that any issues are likely due to the eWay integration in PhotoCart being very outdated. That API is no longer updated.
They mentioned that you could go here to register, though I suspect you already are, to see the updated code.
Is there any chance this could be updated?
In your screenshot it is a typo, would be payment amount.
My Email Address:
Can the eWay portal be updated?
My Email Address:
I know that PhotoCart has been shuttered in terms of any new development, but you do have a large install base still using it and are still selling it. The existing features should be supported, for your users, and should be properly functional for new buyers.
This is causing issues for us - and without your help we are stuck.
Looking at the eway return code it would appear than maybe the amount variable is not getting passed. Are the orders showing as paid and the amount?
My Email Address:
Sorry, I missed that.
The cart shows that the order is paid, and the amount is shown in the backend of PhotoCart, so it all appears to work where it counts most.
The main issue is the multiple emails that the client receives - making them understandably think that they have been charged 3 times. The amount not showing in the subject line for the emails that we receive is not such a biggie, just something that I noticed starting with the implementation of eWay.
My other bigger concern, is that this API for eWay is no longer updated, and I am worried that at some point, it may not be supported at all and totally break.
Thanks for looking into it.
My Email Address:
I would really appreciate this, I am getting more and more annoyed clients, thinking I've charged them 2 or 3 times.

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