
If your Photo Cart is suddenly getting a 500 error or only displaying a blank page then you or your hosting company has updated the PHP (programming language) to PHP 7 which Photo Cart is not compatible with (and will not be compatible with) mainly because of the removal of the my_sql functions which are replaced with my_sqli functions. 

You would need to have the PHP version downgraded to 5.6 in order for Photo Cart to work. If downgrading the PHP doesn't work then you may have to update Photo Cart to the last version of 7. Download Photo Cart 7 upgrade files. Upgrade instructions.

Photo Cart was retired in 2015. Check out Sytist.

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Mail Settings

97 posts
Thu Oct 23, 14 8:28 PM CST
I had issues with getting PHPMailer to work with Photocart and AuthSMTP about a month ago, which Tim finally resolved with a new bit of coding.

It has been going well, but we have only been sending a few emails at a time until this past week when our busy period kicked in.

Now, I see on my AuthSMTP account that there are some errors. It appears that the majority of emails are going out ok but a fair number are reporting back the error below

Error code 500 - Envelope From address not authorisedThis error means that the email address you trying to send from is not authorised on your account - to add it to your account please go to the add from address page.If you are getting lots of these errors for different email addresses it could indicate that either your computer or another computer on your network has been compromised or infected with a virus.

I have contacted AuthSMTP support who have said the following:

"Is anything forwarding / redirecting email back out - i.e. it gets sent to one email address and redirected to another keeping the sender from address? Otherwise would just check your local logs to see where that message is originating."

As far as I know, the answer is no to that.


"Would check with the people who provide that SMTP component and review your log files to check why that email address is being used / delated."

Now, is this anything to do with how photocart sends emails? or do I need to check with my webhost? I have it set to use PHPMailer so I don't think so - but thought I would ask.

Any Insights appreciated

Edited Thu Oct 23, 14 8:29 PM by Craig Stewart
16,289 posts (admin)
Fri Oct 24, 14 9:40 AM CST
Go to Settings -> Mail sending settings and see if the option to send all emails from your email address is set to yes. If it isn't, then setting it to yes will probably fix it, If it is already set to yes, then it is probably something on the hosting side.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
97 posts
Fri Oct 24, 14 8:20 PM CST
Hi Tim

Yes, I had checked that and it is selected as Yes.

Do you have any idea what on the server side might cause this?

I spent 45 minutes on their chat help yesterday going in circles, the guy saying that it is all AuthSMTP's fault.

Just hoping to be able to go back to them with some ammo.

97 posts
Sun Oct 26, 14 6:11 AM CST
Just looking at the emails that are listed as errors on AuthSMTP and checking them in the Cart, I have a question.

1) In the sent emails log for a given customer, does this log have anyway of verifying that emails were in fact sent or does the act of sending them perform any verification?

I ask because I see emails in there that AuthSMTP says are errors in its logs.

97 posts
Sun Oct 26, 14 6:56 AM CST
One more question:

All of the emails that are reported as errors so far are the email that is the one thanking them for their order?.

is there any other settings that I can look at in this regard, or is it possible Tim that when you made the alterations to PC to allow PHPMailer to work in the first place - there was a error that would effect just this?

97 posts
Sun Oct 26, 14 7:53 PM CST
I have also noticed that when I am sending a large number of emails that it often come up with the message

Gateway Time-out

The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.[b]

When I was using the Mail() method to send emails, after a short pause I would see the green bar and message that XXX number of emails had been sent.

I do still see that if I am sending
Edited Sun Oct 26, 14 7:54 PM by Craig Stewart
16,289 posts (admin)
Mon Oct 27, 14 11:35 AM CST
The email logs log each time it was sent using the send email function from Photo Cart. No way to tell what happens after that.

The emails reporting errors when sending the order email, maybe you are using a SSL and maybe the httpS is causing the issue?

I have never used AuthSMTP so maybe it takes longer sending emails going through them causing the time out.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
97 posts
Wed Oct 29, 14 10:07 PM CST
Hi Tim

I have just tried placing an order myself from a few different test accounts.

I do receive the Your Order and the Payment Received Emails

AuthSMTP shows that the Your Order is reported as an error.

So at least it appears that the emails are being sent;

Edited Wed Oct 29, 14 10:12 PM by Craig Stewart
97 posts
Tue Nov 11, 14 8:28 PM CST
Hi Tim

I have been trying to get to the bottom of this issue - AuthSMTP are insisting that the Your Order emails that are showing in their error logs as not being sent are in fact NOT being sent - despite me getting them.

Their explanation is that somewhere in the cart software something is trying to send a second identical email but FROM the clients email address - and because the client's email address is not registered with AuthSMTP - it fails.

Can you please have a look at the alterations that you made to the cart for me to allow PHPMailer to work in the first place and see if there is any possibility that this is happening.

I am definitely getting the Your Order email and they are adamant that it is not being sent through them. So, it seems reasonable to that two are being sent - one correctly and one incorrectly.

I need to solve this so that I know when actual errors in email sending are occurring and at the moment the log is flooded with all these bogus entries.


16,289 posts (admin)
Wed Nov 12, 14 7:36 AM CST
In Settings -> Mail Sending Settings, make sure the option to send all emails from your email address is selected. With this selected, then no emails will be sent from your customers email address.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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