
If your Photo Cart is suddenly getting a 500 error or only displaying a blank page then you or your hosting company has updated the PHP (programming language) to PHP 7 which Photo Cart is not compatible with (and will not be compatible with) mainly because of the removal of the my_sql functions which are replaced with my_sqli functions. 

You would need to have the PHP version downgraded to 5.6 in order for Photo Cart to work. If downgrading the PHP doesn't work then you may have to update Photo Cart to the last version of 7. Download Photo Cart 7 upgrade files. Upgrade instructions.

Photo Cart was retired in 2015. Check out Sytist.

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I Am Getting A Warning Date(): It Is Not Safe To Rely On The System's Timezone

16,476 posts (admin)
Mon Dec 23, 13 1:01 PM CST
This error can be caused by the hosting company upgrading PHP on the server but not setting the time zone. Either contact your hosting company with the error so they can fix it or do the following:

1) Download the setup.php file from your Photo Cart to your computer and open it in a text editor.
2) Add the following line of code right after the <?php at the beginning of the file.


3) Save and re-upload the file to your Photo Cart folder overwriting the existing one.
Edited Mon Dec 23, 13 3:09 PM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
2 posts
Mon Jan 18, 16 1:36 PM CST
Tim, can you please tell me where I find the setup.php file to download it? I've searched for it and can't find it. I had you install Photo Cart for me so could that be why I can't find it?

16,476 posts (admin)
Mon Jan 18, 16 2:23 PM CST
You will need to either connect to your website with a FTP program like Filezilla and download the file from your website or you can log into your hosting control and go to the File Manager and then edit that file from there.
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
1 posts
Mon Jan 18, 16 4:17 PM CST
I made the correction above, but that has only fixed the error on the home page. Now I am still getting the error on all of my other pages and it says to correct line 33, 43, 52, 72, 79...
16,476 posts (admin)
Tue Jan 19, 16 7:28 AM CST
If you are still getting the error, then you haven't added that line of code at the beginning of the setup.php file after the <?php
Edited Tue Jan 19, 16 7:29 AM by Tim -
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
2 posts
Tue Jan 19, 16 1:23 PM CST
Having no coding experience I had no idea where to look after going to the file manager. I was finally able to get someone from bluehost to help me though and so it's all fixed finally. Thanks so much for your help, Tim. Much appreciated.
1 posts
Sun Feb 19, 17 9:09 PM CST
I'm getting the same error all over my website, I followed the above mentioned instructions, but it's not fixing my problem. Any other ideas??
14 posts
Tue Jun 06, 17 3:54 PM CST
All of my website keeps going blank. Bluehost says that the PHP for PhotoCart is out of date and has advised me to start trying to move to a more current site. I can't get Sylist to work for me like photocart always has. Can we not pay for continued support and PHP updates?
16,476 posts (admin)
Thu Jun 08, 17 6:29 AM CST
Looks like you are using Photo Cart 5. So if your pages are blank, see this:
Tim Grissett, DIA -
My Email Address:
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